What’s in the iPod

I have decided to have a standing “What’s in the iPod” blog. Since the songs prompt me of things to write about or remind me of things from the past. This week I was listening to “Old Dogs, Children and Watermelon Wine” by Tom T Hall.

The song talks about advice he got from an older gentleman in a bar. The old man says there are only three things in the world worth a solitary dime (Old Dogs, Children and Watermelon Wine). I really like the line “Old dog’s care about you even when you make mistakes”. This certainly describes a good dog (old or young).

We have a wonderful dog named Sheeot. Of course she does not think of herself as a dog so much as a princess.

She will be 12 years old this summer and she is still as active as a puppy. She may only weigh 11-12 pounds but she fills the house with laughter, love and playfulness. We are glad that she let’s us share the house with her (she’s kind in that way). She even let us bring home a cat and didn’t kick us out.

I really miss my home office days when I had the cat on my desk in the inbox and Sheeot keeping my feet warm under the desk. They both know when to speak and when to be quiet. For some reason they always sense when I’m on the phone (often better than humans do). Sheeot has been my co-worker for 5 years now. She has supported many conference calls in her days.

No matter what time I come home, or leave she is at the door to greet me or see me off. She is so happy to see me when I walk in the door, she wags her nub of a tail so much it the whole body shakes. Who could ask for a better greeting than that?

She loves playing ball and heaven forbid you have a water hose she is game to catch the water in her mouth. One of her favorite things is to go for a ride in the car. She doesn’t like long distance trips as much as a short one to the store and back.

When I take her with me she always gets special attention. At the drive-thru Cash & Dash gas station she gets a doggy biscuit, at the bank drive-thru she gets a treat. And if you dare take her to Burger King, Hardees or McDonalds she always finds a way to get a freebie.

I guess when you’re that cute life has special advantages. She’s such a special animal we wish we could clone her, but we know there will never be another like her.


Anonymous said...

Indeed, our animals are our salvation, they remind us of what's important in this world!

My favorite prayer: Dear Lord, please help me be the person my dog thinks I am! (or you can substitute another animal, but dogs do have that worshiping thing down pat!)

Sue said...

Sheott is so cute! And yup, dogs are just like that - always happy to see us no matter how long we were gone. When Miguel has been at the bar and comes home and I greet him with a scowl, you can bet Loco jumps all over him and makes a big fuss. Ticks me right off.

A long time ago I read a book that suggested we should treat our partners the way we would treat our dog. There might be something to it, I know I always like a pat on the head. I don't think I'd like sleeping at your feet though. :-)

Bennie said...

Leslie - That prayer says it all. If only I could be the person my dog thinks I am. Wow, I'd be perfect in that case.

Sue - I'm with you on we need to treat our partners like our dogs treat us. I'm just not as good a person as my dog is. I try though.

As for sleeping at the feet, I agree I'd have a hard time with that too. It takes so little to keep a dog happy.