What a beautiful morning…

Yesterday was a travel day. I was headed home from Portland, OR again. When I left it was about 30 degrees so we had to be de-iced before leaving. This delay worked in our favor since it gave the Sun a few more minutes to come up. The view was spectacular. I was on the right side of the plane looking out over Washington State. The mountains I get to see on that side are Mount St. Helens, Mount Adams and in the distance I am told is Mount Rainer which is south of Seattle. The mountains were so pretty with the pinks tones during the sunrise.

I will include a few pictures I took. They don’t come out as well since I was taking the picture through the window and the flash on the camera kept going off. I guess I need to learn how to use this camera.

Rainer, St. Helens & Adams

Mount St. Helens - I know this because of the flat top.

Mt. Adams

I had a very productive week. Some weeks are more rewarding than others and this was one of those weeks. I had to work my way through a software build scenario for a department I was not familiar with using features I had never used before. There was a lot of reading, testing and building going on in the evenings. I was awake 21 hours Monday working over 12 of those hours. Tuesday was an 18 hour day, Wednesday and Thursday were whimpy 12 hour days. Friday I spent 14 hours flying, connecting and driving home.

People often think the life of a business traveler is glamorous. I have to say there are certainly many perks, but there are many weeks that are like this one where you work double the hours of a typical job. Your body is run through the ringer. It’s not uncommon that we don’t sleep well, are awake very long periods of time, change 2-3 time zones, have poor dietary options.

I try my best to have a positive attitude. A long time ago I was really down about how hard my life was as a traveler on my way home one week. I took that time to reflect on the good parts of the job.

* How many people get to see the sunny side of the clouds twice a week?
* I get to eat a good and even great restaurants and it’s paid for.
* I stay in nice motels most weeks (I have had some bad ones too).
* I get to drive a wide variety of new cars each week.

Another benefit is that I don’t get caught up in office politics since I’m generally in and out. And if someone starts getting to me I remind myself that by the end of the week I’m on an airplane on the way home. I call it my countdown clock. Way back when I started this I would juggle 6-9 clients at a time so by the time I’d get back I was over anything that was tough from the previous trip.

It was then I figured just how much a positive attitude toward your job makes. I always remind myself how lucky I am to have a job I enjoy. Not everyone has that.


Anonymous said...

A few weeks ago I left Portland bright and early just as the sun was coming up. I so wished I had my camera to take photos of the beautiful sunrise over the mountains. It was a business trip to Salt Lake City and I didn't think I would be seeing anything of interest to take photos of. Thanks for sharing the photos.

Life's a Beach! said...

Bennie, you're a lucky man to see all three mountains -- especially in a season other than summer! Beautiful photos! I used to live in Seattle and traveled from Seattle to Portland a lot. So I love and miss that area!

Sue said...

Great pictures. There is something special about the reflections of the sun coming up (or going down) and the beautiful colors it creates.

Bennie said...

Jackie - I know what you mean about never having he camera when you need it. I saw a great picture when I got home Friday and my camera was in the trunk of the car. It never fails, I'm glad I had it in my pocket when I left Portland last week.

Beck - I have been told that I have been very lucky with the weather this year. They swear to me that you never see the sun in Portland in the winter, and I've had several weeks up there with beautiful skies. I was shocked when they told me the one mountain was Rainer. I had no idea you could see it that far away.

Sue - I agree I love the sunsets and sunrises. Doesn't matter if it's over water, mountains or wheat fields. It's just so pretty the colors you see at that time.