Too lazy to write...

When I'm at home it just seem so hard to get any inspiration to write. I guess it happens so rarely that I just want to enjoy home. That will be over starting next week when I start traveling to Lufkin, TX until the fall. I'll have a few weeks back in Oregon and at least one more week at home this summer but then it's over till the leaves change.

I thought since I'm so lazy the least I could do is post what's in bloom in the yard. Sue I have a pink Banana in there just for you. You did your post about all the different bananas I don't remember you talking about the pink ones. We dont' have a long enough season for them to get fully formed but I have little bunches of bananas every year off this plant.


Life's a Beach! said...

Pink bananas!!! I thought you were joking for a minute. How pretty! Craig and I want a banana tree. We noticed one over a wall when we were riding bikes on Sunday. I'm going to check it out at the nursery this week. Maybe he'll get a banana tree for Father's Day if it's not too hot and dry right now to plant it.

Ann said...

Love that banana tree, but I don't think they'd survive here in NE!

Jackie said...

Great photos. Never seen pink bananas before.

Jackie said...

Oh wow! I just enlarged the Water Lilly. What a great shot!!!

Bennie said...

Beck - those pink bananas are just too cute. In a warmer climate where they could grow I get they would be really neat to see.

Ann - I don't think New England would be too good for the banana trees either.

Jackie - I had not blown up the picture of the Water Lilly either until you said you had. It's all in the camera let me tell you it's not the picture taker.

Leslie said...


perhaps its because you have to be your own detective, personal assistant and home manager when you are home - figuring out what needs done, arranging your own schedule and fetching and managing supplies etc....on the road your mission is straight forward and is for you arranged by someone else - leaving your mind free to be creative....

Bennie said...

Leslie - I bet you are right on target. I just have so little time at home that I just don't seem to want to write. Just this morning at the airport I found I have things to write about, just don't want to do it becuase of the lack of time.

Well it's back on the road for a while again. So I might get more inspiration.