Oh NO Not Again… Another Addiction!

Anyone who has known me for a long time knows I have the addictive traits when it comes to certain things. Years back when I was in High School I was given a cigarette and as bad as I coughed and hacked with a little encouragement from my good friends I was soon to become a full fledged smoker for the next 24 years. I did finally kick the habit 8 years ago.

I’ve written about the wonderful tool Face Book and how great it is. I have met people I have not heard from in years. Many of them were my old High School friends from years ago. I have not been the best at keeping in touch and it was so much fun to hear from these people I have not heard from in 27 years.

Well those same corrupt kids from High School have done it again. They got me hooked on a game on Face Book called Farm Town. It seemed innocent enough when one of my old friends sent me a donkey, then another sent me a cherry tree and another sent me a horse. I though well they have already given me a start what can it hurt?

Let me tell you this game is addictive. It has everything you need to turn it into a daily ritual and yes an addiction.

1) You have levels and you can quickly move up the levels
2) Each level you move up there are nicer things you can buy
3) You can give gifts to friends for free (allowing you to hook them too)
4) The higher your level the nicer the gifts you can give (so you seem nicer)
5) You get trophies for doing things (yet another reward – I’m all about rewards)
6) You get coins for plowing, planting and harvesting
7) Depending on the seeds you plant how long it takes to harvest (4 hours to 3 days)
8) Crops will rot or die if you don’t get them (adding a sense of urgency)
9) You make more coins if you hire someone to help (promoting that networking with other junkies)
10) You can buy more land making it easier to move up to future levels

Let me tell you the developers of this game knew just what to put in it to hook people. The good thing is there is no cost other than your time. They show advertisements so they have a revenue source.

I have pulled myself though 23 levels and 8 trophies so far. I hope I can start limiting myself to only checking it a few times a day. You know that’s like saying I’ll only smoke a few cigarettes a day. Yeah right.

Here is what my farm looked like a week back.

Here it is today.


Ann said...

I like facebook for the keeping up with people, but not all the quizzes & stuff--I usually ignore those. I've seen people that have the farm--now I know what it entails....

jeanie said...

My friend Vee sent me farm gifts but I realized I wasn't getting the gist of the game when I tried to take my crop to market. Apparently you can't sell grass. Some of my friends are really in to Mafia Wars but I don't get that either. Some good laughs are to be had on the quizzes though.

Jackie said...

I am with Jeannie on the Mafia Wars game. It is the only one that I even attempted to play. Now there is this YoVille one. I did go in and created an avatar but that is a far as I got.Then I got a notice that someone was dancing with my avatar.

Sue said...

Well, I see you at least cut the grass since last week! (just trying to sound like I know what I'm talking about. Rest assured...I don't). But enjoy the farm, you need a diversion sometimes.

Life's a Beach! said...

Okay, Farmer Bennie. LMAO! I haven't had the time to delve much into Facebook yet. People keep sending me things and I have no clue! I'll have to check it out. (But I don't think I want a farm. It's too much work!)

Bennie said...

Ann - Farmtown is addictive let me tell you. As of today I'm at Level 28 and have about half a million coins. It's strange how relaxing it is.

Jeanie too funny. I have not got into the Mafia wars. Guess that's good since it would be another addiction to kick.

Sue - I'm glad to say I don't have to mow the grass on this one.

Beck if you ever get on farmtown you will have to tell me how you like it. You either love it or dont care at all.

Leslie said...

Ben-meister - the only thing that could justify investing that kind of time would be a meaningful reward - like if some giant food company donated a ton of food to feed the hungry people of the world for every load you delivered to market! Perhaps someone needs to do some lobbying on this!