What I See on the Road

Well today I am flying from Wilmington, NC to Oakland, CA. My route takes me through Charlotte and Phoenix so it's going to be a long day. It started at 2:30 AM when I woke up before the alarm to get started. The Wilmington airport is 60+ miles north and to catch the early flight that means leaving the house at 4-4:30 AM. Good thing I was not on the absolute first flight that leaves at 5:30 AM. ICK.

I have also decided I was meant to be born farther south than I am now. It was 39 degrees this morning when I got to the airport. I know that doesn't sound all that cold but to me it might as well have been 15 degrees. I'm sure glad I don't have to live in an area where I'd have to use a snow blower or plow all winter.

I am sitting in the Charlotte airport on a two hour lay-over. Every year they put up two Christmas trees made of live Poinsettias. I thought I'd share a picture with everyone since you may not travel this route to see the tree.

I hope to write a bit more this week. I've had a major block on writing the past few months. When I'm working it's "nose down and give it 150%" and when I'm off I am truly OFF and have no desire to write. I guess this is what writers block is all about. It's not that nothing has happend, its more that I'm too lazy to write about it or document it with photographs.

I hope to get out this week in the San Francisco area and see something other than the inside of a conference room or inside of a motel room. Wish me luck! Maybe I can reach that goal this week.


Ann said...

That tree is great! Hope you can get out & about in san Francisco..it's one of my favorite cities--even my hubby loves it & he's a confirmed small town guy! Every neighborhood has great areas--i haven't been there in 10 years, so I'll be looking forward to some photos!

Jackie said...

What a great tree. How creative.