Made it to Magnolia

The girls (Mandy, Josie and Lucky) and I made it to Magnolia for our vacation time.   The drive time was 16 hours and a few extra minutes.   The girls were really good, they got to stop in Alabama at Peggy’s and meet her princess Belle.   They even scored a new bed with Unicorns and Rainbows.

I got to visit with my Aunt Jeanette yesterday for a while.  Headed to Wal Mart and Brookshires to gather supplies for our stay.   Planning on cooking a whole chicken with gravy and mashed potatoes.   Also, picked up a turkey breast that I’ll cook in a few days.  Not sure what the rest of the menu will hold.

Went to mom’s grave and looked at her tombstone.  It still doesn’t seem real that she’s gone.   Everywhere I look there are still memories (great ones at that).   I’m still so lucky to have had both my parents.   I wish I could have had them longer.  

I look around the house here and I remember so much of my life as a child and even an adult.   The cabinets in the house my dad made, and mom stained.  The drop ceiling in the kitchen my dad put in, paintings on the walls that mom painted.   I look at the flowers in the yard that mom took such pride and joy in, I remember her getting some from other people and cultivating them.   The roses are in bloom, her gladiolas which was a favorite of Dad’s is in bloom. 

This morning I was up at 4:30am, was going to walk but decided to stay inside and have coffee instead.  I went out and saw a beautiful pink sky and the nice cool 65 degree weather.   Of course later today the air conditioners will be going full force.

Not much of a post today, but hopefully it will be better this week as I go through things here.

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