If you go to the Orlando area you need to be aware that the gas prices at Suncaost Energys across the street from Hertz is $2 higher than gas stations about a mile down the street.
So if you are ever in Orlando just be careful to watch the fuel prices around the airport. I found the statistics above at the following web-site: http://www.orlandogasprices.com/
That's horrendous! Don't states have laws and controls that stop that! Hope Orlando was fun other than that!
Everything always seems to be higher near an airport. Why? Because they can. Like paying $3.00 for a bottle of water that anywhere (except a movie theater or sports venue) would cost $.89. Rip offs!
What did you do there in your time off?
Everything is always higher near attractions like airports. They have a captive audience that's pressed for time & can't go looking elsewhere for a better deal. At least when you travel by car you have a bit of a choice about where to take your business. Gasbuddy DOT com is a good place to check out gas prices all over the USA as you travel, especially good for planning a trip or planning where to get off the interstate to buy gas. This site will point you to more detailed sites all over the USA.
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